District 5
Stephanie Luke is the Executive Director for the upcoming Elementary Education Bachelor of Science program at Lake-Sumter State College. She has been in education in Lake County for 24 years, starting her career as a fourth-grade teacher at Groveland Elementary School. After completing her master's degree in 2006, she moved into the Elementary Mathematics Program Specialist position, where she implemented Curriculum Mapping, Benchmark Testing and Professional Development. She also established Lake County Schools' STEM Bowl Competition. During her career as the Elementary Mathematics Program Specialist, she participated in several state-level FCAT Committees such as Standard Setting and Item Review.
In 2011, she was promoted to Project Manager for the district's Race to the Top initiative and helped to revise and establish the new teacher and leader evaluations based on current legislation. In 2012, she began teaching at the University of Central Florida, where she served for 11 years. Over the course of her time with UCF, she earned the rank of Associate Instructor and served as Course Shepherd for several mathematics and science courses, created new course content, and was an advisor for undergraduate students. She also helped implement the High School Teaching Academy at Tavares High School in partnership with Lake County Schools. Throughout the course of her 24 years in education, Mrs. Luke has provided professional development in the area of mathematics throughout the United States. She is currently pursuing her doctorate degree, with an expected graduation date of August 2024.
Mrs. Luke is married to James "Jimmy" Luke, a lifelong Eustis resident, and they have three children. Jensen (18), Emery (14) and Jace (10) are all attending public schools in Lake County and have been successful academically and athletically. Mrs. Luke is a staunch supporter of the power of community and education, and believes in the power of education to change lives.
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