New Hire Onboarding Process - Welcome to Lake County Schools

Welcome aboard! On behalf of all the Human Resources team members and the Superintendent, we would like to extend our warmest welcome and great wishes. Thank you for anchoring down in Lake! 

Select the appropriate link below based on the position you are being hired into for the New Hire Onboarding Process:

  • Administration & Professional/Managerial -

    Included in this category: Principals, Assistant Principals, Coordinators, Directors, Supervisors

  • Instructional -

    Included in this category: Classroom Teachers, Instructional Deans, Media Specialists, Guidance Counselors, Psychologists, Social Workers, and other Instructional-related positions

  • Non-Instructional -

    Included in this category: Bargaining and Non-Bargaining positions such as Teacher Assistants, Clerical, Food Service, Custodial staff

  • Temporary Positions -

    Included in this category: Adjunct Virtual Instructors, Caregivers, Lay Coaches, Tutors