Mollie Cunningham, District 4

board members headshot

Mollie Cunningham

District 4

Mollie Cunningham  joined the Lake County School Board in 2020 as the first African American  woman elected to serve.

She is a long-time educator who began a career in Lake County as a speech therapist in 1982 and later retired as principal of Carver Middle School in 2017. The philosophy she says has guided her career has been “to always make decisions that are right for the students.”

Her educational background includes a bachelor’s degree in Special Education with a concentration in audiology and speech pathology from Alabama A&M University in Huntsville, AL, and a master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

She currently resides in Tavares with her husband David. They are the proud parents of their daughter Monique and son David, and loving grandparents to two grandchildren, Carter and Arie. In addition to her leadership in Lake County Schools, she serves her community as a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and of Gethsemane Baptist Church in Eustis.

Ms. Cunningham represents the School Board on the following committees: Allocations Committee, FSBA Legislative Committee, Joint Insurance Advisory Committee Charter, Be Free Lake, Lake Community Action Agency, Lake County Parks & Recreation Advisory Board, Lake County Planning & Zoning Board, Lake-Sumter Metropolitan Planning Organization, Audit Committee, Calendar Committee, and serves as an alternate on the Educational Foundation Board of Directors, and Personal Services Committee.

District Maps: PDF, Interactive