Leadership Development

Purpose: The Leadership Development Plan aims to enhance the quality of instructional leadership, ensuring every school is led by an effective instructional leader who embodies the vision and mission of the state, district, and school.

Florida's Mission: “To increase the proficiency of all students within one seamless, efficient system, their knowledge and skills through learning opportunities and research valued by students, parents, and communities.”

Lake County Schools' Mission: To provide every student with individual opportunities to excel, in alignment with the revised State Board Education Rule 6A-5.081.

Professional Development Program: Lake County Schools offers a comprehensive, multi-tiered professional development program to nurture high-quality leadership among teacher leaders and school administrators. The program includes:

  • Orientation and Recruitment to School Leadership

  • Administrative Pool Process

  • Preparing New Principals (PNP)

  • Early Career Principals

  • Ongoing Professional Development for Long-Term Principals and District Leaders

These tiers are designed according to the standards set by Florida School Leaders (www.floridaschoolleaders.org) to develop high-performing administrators.

Collaboration and Training: Lake County Schools collaborates with Florida School Leaders, Professional Educational Partners, and University Partners to prepare and train effective leaders.

Training Objectives: The professional development for school-based administrators focuses on sharpening their skills as:

  • Visionaries

  • Chief Human Resource Officers

  • Instructional Leaders

  • Decision Makers

  • Facilitators of the Learning Environment

All training aligns with the Florida Principal Leadership Standards and state and district goals to provide learning opportunities that inspire students to become lifelong learners.